Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Best Osteoarthritis Knee Braces 2019 - Top 10 Video Review

Best Osteoarthritis Knee Braces 2019 - Top 10 Video Review
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Knee osteoarthritis is a common degenerative condition affecting about 10% of men and 13% of women at the age of late '50s. This medical condition may put a serious damper on everyday activities you love to do. Exercise is one of the best treatments for this condition. So, you have to get in regular exercise, it's crucial.

The best knee braces for arthritis pain may help you get the needed support for exercising not only with more confidence but with a reduced degree of pain.
Here in this video, we review 10 of our top picks, we show the best choice, premium pick, and best value from 10 best knee braces designed to help with osteoarthritis.

How do osteoarthritis knee braces work?
Over the course of your life, your knees provide the stability you need to stand up straight, to run, to jump, to climb. Over time, this joint suffers from these blows, leading to osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a wear-and-tear condition that occurs as people age. Common symptoms include joint pain, unsteadiness, and reduced flexibility. This happens because the cartilage that typically acts as a shock absorber for your joints is lost or damaged over time, typically on one side of the knee.

As Mayo Clinic explains:

“As the damage progresses, this malalignment worsens. A knee brace can take pressure off the part of your joint most affected by osteoarthritis and help relieve pain. If your knee feels like it might buckle when you put weight on it, a knee brace can also help you stand and move around with more confidence.”

Can a knee brace help arthritis?
Knee braces for arthritis shouldn’t be a first line treatment for your condition, but they can go a long way towards relieving your osteoarthritis symptoms, especially when paired with exercise and weight loss strategies. The greatest benefits of using a knee brace for osteoarthritis symptoms include the following.

1. Reduce pain and inflammation
Knee braces provide a non-invasive option for reducing pain and getting you back to the activities you love. They do this in a number of ways, depending on the knee brace you choose. Knee sleeves for mild arthritis provide cushioning, some structure, and can keep your joints warm. Unloader knee braces for severe cases, as we’ll discuss shortly, completely redistribute the weight on your knee joint. This can relieve pressure from one area, and spread it across the knee.

And while knee braces for arthritis may not help everyone, there is some proof that they do work. A 2016 study from the American Journal of Orthopedics studied 31 knee, osteoarthritis patients. Half received an unloader knee brace, while the other half did not. Researchers used knee injury and osteoarthritis outcomes scores, or KOOS, and visual analog scale (VAS) scores to evaluate outcomes.

2. Provide support and peace of mind
Beyond tangible pain relief, many patients claim that the best knee braces for arthritis provide them with peace of mind. If you’re active, knee braces can help cushion the knee and provide support. But some also note that the brace itself is a reminder to take it easier on the knee, and to be more mindful of the pressure they’re putting on it.

Best Osteoarthritis Knee Braces 2019 Video review
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