Saturday, September 26, 2020

Silicone Scar Removal Sheets by Aroamas REVIEW

REVIEW Silicone Scar Removal Sheets by Aroamas
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What’s new in treating hypertrophic scars and keloids?

Source -- PMTA Journal: "The treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids remains one of the most challenging conditions that dermatologists face on a regular basis. What is new that we can offer our patients and what should we do when confronted with patients who have these lesions?

Topical silicone gel has evolved in recent years. When topical silicone gel sheets were applied to an old hypertrophic scar or keloid, we could flatten them over time, reduce any of the associated symptoms that might be associated with the lesions, and take the color back towards normal.

In studies that followed, we showed that in a side by side comparison where one half of the hypertrophic scar or keloid was treated with topical silicone gel sheeting, that the side treated with the silicone flattened significantly as compared to the untreated side."

The Efficacy of Silicone Gel for the Treatment of Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids

Topical self-drying silicone gel is a relatively recent treatment modality promoted as an alternative to topical silicone gel sheeting. Thirty patients with scars of different types including superficial scars, hypertrophic scars, and keloids were treated with silicone gel application. The results of the self-drying silicone gel have been satisfactory.

Is silicone sheeting effective for managing keloid scars?

According to Aetna InteliHealth, “Moist wound coverings made of silicone gel sheets have been shown in studies to reduce the size of keloids over time. This treatment is safe and painless. Silicone sheeting is also low-cost and easy to use. Silicone can also work in minimizing or preventing keloids in children."

What does silicone do for a scar?
Silicone is effective at both preventing and healing scars. It works by creating a protective layer over the scar, to stop it from losing water. Damaged skin needs moisture to heal, as dry skin has tiny cracks that can allow bacteria to enter — this can slow down healing by causing further inflammation.

Do Aroamas Scar Sheets Work on Keloids?
Aroamas Scar Sheets work on hypertrophic scars and keloids, which have a raised and discolored appearance. These types of scars may result from surgical procedures, skin injuries, and burns. These silicone sheets work best on new scars but they also work on old scars as well.

How long should you wear silicone scar sheets?

Treatment duration depends on the extent and severity of the scar and your skin's healing and scar formation processes. Sometimes the recommended duration of silicone strips usage is 8 to 12 weeks for new scars or 3 to 6 months for existing scars.

Watch the video review Silicone Scar Removal Sheets by Aroamas

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